Traps & snares
Since food ranks third on the basic survival skills priorities list, one shouldn’t start looking for food source until a good water source, and adequate shelter is located.
Although you can live three weeks without food, you will need an appropriate amount of calories to stay healthy. Without food, your mental and physical capabilities will deteriorate and cause you to become weak and unable to sustain day-to-day living chores.
The average person needs approximately 2,000 calories a day function at a minimal level. KOR will teach you how to make snares, fish traps, and an Arapuca bird trap. These work for you to help better your chances of hunting when sources are limited.

Traps and Snares
Starts On:
June 15, 2019
9:00 AM
Ends On:
June 15, 2019
4:00 PM
Event Passed