survival shelter
survival shelter
In a survival situation, climate control takes precedence of all, we all need to keep our body temperature around 98.6. If we are unable to sustain this temperature either hypothermia or hyperthermia occurs which can lead to life-threatening situations which will need medical attention. Exposure to climates that cause the body to lose heat from, Evaporation, Radiation, Convection and Conduction shelters are extremely important.
Being able to produce shelter in five minutes and without using a lot of calories is key. KOR focuses on using your instincts to discover natural shelters and how to remove yourself from dangerous situations. The acronym P.L.A.N is considered essential.
P-protection, L-location, A-acquisition and N-navigation
Protection from the climate and harm, location away from insects and in site for searching party, acquisition always looking for water supply and food sources and navigation by way of travel to keep you en route.