Knots & Cordage
Knots & Cordage
Cordage — that is, thread, string, or rope – is all but indispensable in a survival situation. It can be used for (among other things) bowstrings, fishing lines, trap triggers, snares, and lashings. Most people would likely despair if forced to make their own rope or string. However, the materials needed to do so are plentiful in most places.
Today there are so many knots; I remember the saying if you don’t know a knot “tie a lot.” This is the way most novice hikers and campers tie knots but in a real survival situation tying a lot of knots use up valuable cordage. Knowing how to tie just five knots can be helpful. I remember teaching Junior Marines these five basic knots, and then at night we ran a skill test and made them tie them in the dark. To our surprise over half were able to tie them in the dark because we focus on muscle memory techniques and have fun doing it.