As important as navigation is it has become the “Lost Art” as we have been able to carry our mobile devices with GPS we have forgotten how to use one of the most reliable devices of navigation. I learned this method years ago from being in King County Search and Rescue. First step is to learn the parts of a baseplate of a basic compass.(see figure below)

Once you have familiarized yourself with the compass. You must find a point of direction and align your compass “marking ring” with a distant object and obtain degree point and put your “dog in the shed” by turning your bezel and aligning he red “orientation line” and “compass needle” to get your degree of travel.
You want to write this degree number down in one column and the second column write the time of travel. (see figure below.

if you change direction or have to move around a large object you must record a new degree of travel and time of travel.

You can make yourself a map by using sticks and recorded degrees and time traveled.
Example: 10 minutes = 1 inch stick (see figures below)